Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Fishing Info
About Battle Fish Charters
Where does Battle Fish Charters fish?
We fish the Saranac Lake area, including Upper Saranac Lake, Lower Saranac Lake.
What are the target fish?
Target fish include Walleye (Also Called Blue Pike, Dory, Glass Eye, Gray Pike, Marble Eye, Pike-Perch, Yellow Pike-Perch ), Smallmouth Bass (Also Called Black Bass, Bronzeback, Brownie, Gold Bass, Green Bass, Jumper), Largemouth Bass (Also Called Green Trout, Black Bass), Northern Pike (Also Called water wolf, common pike, snake, great northern pike, American pike, jackfish, Great Lakes pike, grass pike, pickerel, longhead, and snot rocket), Rainbow Trout (Also Called ), Brook Trout (Also Called Brookie, Char, Eastern Brook Trout, Native Trout), Brown Trout (Also Called ), Lake Trout (Also Called Great Lake Trout, Siscowet ), American Yellow Perch (Also Called Lake Perch, Perch )
Where in Saranac Lake to we meet our guests?
We meet at Pine Street Bridge Boat Launch, Saranac Lake, NY
Do I need a STATE Fishing license?
Yes, a Fishing license is required
How much should I Tip?
It is customary to tip 20% of the trip total. We work tirelessly to make sure you have a guest experience!
Do I need to bring my own gear?
No, we provide standard gear such as rods and reels so you don’t need to worry about anything. But please feel free to bring you own gear if you prefer.
For further questions, please visit our Contact Us page.